中國最早的藥書-漢代《神農本草經》中早已把五加列為上品,也就是養生的藥食品。明代著名的醫藥家李時珍所著的 《本草綱目》集歷代本草及醫書之精華,為刺五加保健功能的優異性,作了最好的註解。且稱若與其他藥物併用,可增強功效,有祛風、鎮咳祛痰、壯筋骨、添精補隨、增進食慾、不忘事、強意識等功效,久服延年益壽,功難盡數。
特 色:
容 量︰30包/盒 (3克/包)
O2 Energy Powder
In the earliest medicine book of China-"Shen Nong's Materia Medica" in the Han Dynasty, Wujia has long been listed as top grade, that is, health food and medicine. The "Compendium of Materia Medica" by Li Shi-zhen, a well-known medical scientist in the Ming Dynasty, has collected the essence of herbal medicine and medical books of the past generations, and made the best explanation for the excellent health function of Acanthopanax senticosus.
The main ingredient of " Super 02″ is extracted from natural plants. It is based on the Acanthopanax vegetation to create Acanthopanax senticosus, which is only produced in Sakhalin Island of the former Soviet Union, Sakhalin in Siberia, the Amo River Basin, Hokkaido, Japan and China Northeast Heilongjiang. This product is made with the latest technology and equipment, which is an excellent instant health drink. Super 02 can adjust your physique, nourish your body, and strengthen your body in long-term use. It is a natural functional food that supplements the vitality needed by the body and can make you energetic and energetic.
[Main ingredients]
Acanthopanax senticosus, lactose[Content] 30 boxes per box (each bag weighs about 3 grams)[Usage] 2 to 3 times a day, 2 bags each time, use warm boiling water or hot water 300-500 cc. You can drink it after brewing. You can add lemon slices, or drink after cooling the tea, which of the flavor is better.
Adaptogen plant: Non-toxic (no side effects), the influence is not limited to any physique. It can be normalization effect.
Glycoside;Plant sterol;Sesamin;Syringin;Syringarein;Flavone;Hypericin;Polysaccharide
特 色︰譽為神奇之果、聖果
容 量︰200粒/罐(350mg/粒)
Seabuckthorn Capsules, Drops
The whole body of sea buckthorn is a treasure with many uses and a plant with high economic value. Berries can be eaten directly. As juice, jam, and medicinal materials, they have been developed and applied in ancient Eurasia. In recent years, Hippophae rhamnoides has been widely valued in various parts of the world and is regarded as the most potential medicinal health plant, including countries in the former Soviet Union, Canada, the United States, European countries, India, China, etc. In development, it mainly focuses on the value of nutrition and health care. The clinical application of sea buckthorn in modern medicine began in the former Soviet Union around 1940s.In the former Soviet Union, medicines made from sea buckthorn oil were listed in the pharmacopoeia as early as 1952; In China, sea buckthorn was also included in the Pharmacopoeia in 1977.
Sea buckthorn oil in " Sager -U" was also called "Astronaut Food" in the former Soviet Union. The original plant Hippophae rhamnoides grows extremely in harsh environment, and can contain abundant biological active ingredients, which can be easily absorbed and nourished after eating. In addition to long-term use, it can nourish and strengthen the body and increase physical strength. It can also promote mental health and maintain good health. It is a rare health food.
[Main Ingredients]
Sea Buckthorn Oil[All ingredients of gelatin] Gelatin, glycerin, water[Content] 60 capsules in a box, 200 capsules in a can (each capsule weighs about 350 mg)
[Usage] 2 to 3 times a day, 3 to 5 capsules each time, with boiled water to swallow.
Miraculous Fruit; King of Vitamin C; Superoxide dismutase (SOD) Natural vitamins; Flavonoids; Plant pigment; Amino acid; Organic acid; Fatty acids Trace elements; Volatile composition
《山海經》:「神農嘗百草之滋味,山泉之甘苦,令民知所避就」說明了數千年以來我們祖先對於大自然所賦予的各種可食用資源的親身經驗與累積,逐漸建立了食物與藥物的性味、功效以及應用於飲食以養身、保健和治病的知識,更奠定 「醫食同源」的理論與觀念。
特 色︰百草茶飲品主要成分︰節毛鼠尾草、咸豐草、黃花蜜菜、仙鶴草、靈芝
容 量︰45包/盒(2g/包)
Hepatonthea Tea (Tea Bag)
[Main Ingredients]
Agrimony, Shek Pik, Ganoderma Lucidum, Nectarine, Golden Silk[Content] 45 packs per box (each pack weighs about 2 grams)
[Usage] 3 ~ 5 packets each time, use hot water or boiled 1000-1500c.c. water for 3 ~ 5 minutes and drink.